We offer a variety of dental services to help improve and maintain your dental health. We are dedicated to creating a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan for you based on your desires and our expertise.
Preventative Services
A dental prophylaxis is a cleaning procedure that rids the teeth of plaque and tartar build-up above and below the gum line. It is important to have regular cleanings to prevent gingivitis and gum disease.
At your first visit we will take a full set of digital radiographs which might also include a panoramic radiograph. These images help us to find any potential problems that may be starting between your teeth, at the tops or roots of your teeth, or in your jaw bones and TMJ areas. We typically take updated images yearly unless there is an issue that we are concerned about and want to closely monitor.
An oral cancer screening is a standard part of your routine examinations. We take a thorough look at all tissues of the mouth (cheeks, lips, gums, tongue, palate, throat, etc.) to note any abnormalities or areas of concern. If we see anything of concern, we will let you know and may recommend an evaluation by a specialist.
Sealants are recommended on children’s permanent molars soon after they first erupt. Sealants help to protect the deep grooves on the back teeth from developing cavities as this is a high risk area due to children’s snacking habits. Placing sealants is simple, quick and does not require the patient to be numb. We clean the tooth and then place a light-cured protective material in the grooves of the teeth. Sealants should last many years, but they do eventually wear away with time.
Fluoride is a natural mineral and is one of the most important elements in preventing cavities. Fluoride varnish is a highly concentrated form of fluoride which is applied to the tooth’s surface and it’s tackiness allows contact with the teeth for several hours. Fluoride from the varnish enters the tooth enamel and prevents new cavities as well as slows down progression of any early cavities. We recommend fluoride varnish treatments for both children and adults to help lower their risk for cavities.
Teeth clenching and grinding is an extremely common habit that most people have whether they are aware of it or not. Waking up with a headache or sore jaw muscles, frequent chipped or cracked teeth, flat teeth, notched teeth near the gumline are all indications that you are clenching or grinding your teeth. We offer night guards that are a customized fit to your teeth, which allows for a more comfortable fit and effective outcome, unlike over-the-counter night guards you can find at the pharmacy.
Periodontal Services
Scaling and root planing is a procedure that is necessary to treat periodontal/gum disease. Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar has significantly built-up under the gums, causing gum inflammation and bone loss around the teeth. If gum disease is left untreated, the teeth will eventually become mobile and may need to be removed. During scaling and root planing, you will be numb in order to ensure comfort as our hygienists clean the plaque and tartar from below the gumline. In more advanced cases, a referral to a periodontist may be necessary.
If you have been treated for periodontal disease (gum disease) with scaling and root planing, you will then need periodontal maintenance visits every 3 or 4 months in order to maintain your gum and bone levels from the harmful bacteria associated with periodontal disease. At your maintenance visits, we will remove tartar and plaque from the teeth and gums, similar to a regular cleaning, but different instruments are used to ensure a more thorough cleaning below the gum line.
Cosmetic Services
Veneers and cosmetic crowns can be a great way to enhance your smile. There are many reasons to consider veneers or cosmetic crowns such as closing gaps and spaces between the teeth, fixing alignment issues, changing the shape/appearance of a tooth, covering stained/discolored teeth, or covering chipped/cracked teeth. We can help give you the smile you’ve always wanted!
We offer custom whitening trays that are made to be an exact fit to your teeth where you can whiten at home with prescription strength whitening gel. The amount of whitening that occurs is dependent on three factors: 1) the length of time each day/evening the tray is worn; 2) the number of days the tray is worn, and 3) on external stains vs. internal stains. External stains will respond more quickly than deep internal stains.
Restorative Services
Fillings are done when a cavity is found or there is damage to a tooth. We use tooth-colored filling material which is bonded to the existing tooth structure and allows for a more conservative approach.
There are several reasons a crown may be recommended: to protect a weak tooth (crack, decay), restore an already broken tooth, cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t a lot of tooth left, cover a misshaped or discolored tooth. This procedure requires 2 appointments. In the first appointment, we will build-up any broken down or weakened tooth structure, prep the tooth (reduce it to a miniature version of itself), and scan the area with our digital 3D scanner. You will leave this appointment with a temporary crown. At the second appointment, we will try on the new lab-fabricated crown and once we ensure a great fit, your new crown will be cemented!
A bridge is an option for someone who is missing one or more teeth. The bridge fills the gap with one or more artificial teeth that are anchored to crowned teeth on both sides of the gap. Dental bridges can be quite difficult to keep clean, so it’s important to be diligent with your home care if you decide a bridge is right for you.
A dental implant is an option for someone who is missing one or more teeth. The dental implant body is placed by one of our trusted specialists and is allowed to heal for 3-4 months. After healing is complete, an implant crown can be placed at our office. An implant crown is the tooth-shaped crown that is placed on top of your dental implant which restores the area to proper function and esthetics.
Complete dentures are replacement option for someone who has no teeth, while partial dentures are a replacement option for someone who still has some natural teeth remaining. Dentures and partial dentures allow the restoration of esthetics, function, and support for those who are missing teeth. Dentures and partial dentures are removable from the mouth and are typically made from gum-colored plastic and acrylic teeth.
Dr. Phan is a certified Invisalign provider and can work with you to create the smile you’ve always wanted. With Invisalign, teeth are aligned to their proper place with the use of clear guides – no brackets or wires! These guides fit tight on your teeth, making it nearly impossible for anyone to notice you’re wearing them. Having properly aligned teeth helps improve bite and crowding issues, which helps to decrease the rate of cavities and gum disease. If you’re ready to begin your journey to a perfect smile, give us a call and Dr. Phan would be happy to see if you are a candidate!
Pediatric Alignment & Airway
Dr. Phan is a certified HealthyStart provider. The HealthyStart System features a series of flexible appliances that are customized to your child’s needs, depending on their age. These appliances address a range of Sleep Disordered Breathing, such as mouth breathing, inability to focus, academic challenges, bedwetting, snoring, nightmares, underdeveloped jaw, underdeveloped airway and more. HealthyStart systems also work with the natural forces of growth and development, aiding in expanding the dental arches to ensure space for incoming permanent teeth. This system can eliminate the need for or lessen the length of time of any future orthodontic intervention.